Rowenta Naturalis

French company SEB launches an appliance for preparing homemade skincare products under its Rowenta brand.

SEB is a French company, global leader of small dosmetic equipment, with several brands like Rowenta, Tefal, Krups, Moulinex, Lagostina, AirBake, T-fal, Imusa, Panex, Supor, …

According to its website, Rowenta “creates home appliances with a streamlined design that convey a sense of well-being”. This is why SEB chose Rowenta brand to develop and launch a new beauty appliance named “Naturalis”, aimed to prepare homemade cosmetic products. It will be launched in France in April 2012, sold 200 €.

Rowenta Naturalis

The device

Naturalis is made of a tank in which the formula can be prepared cold or at 80°C. A third program is available for cleaning the device.

Rowenta Naturalis device

A stirrer or a mixer can be placed depending on the formula prepared.

Tools (spatula, jars, measuring spoons, measuring glass), a book with 18 recipe and a starting kit with ingredients (emulsifier, preservative and thickener) are included.

Rowenta Naturalis accessories

Rowenta Naturalis jars

Rowenta Naturalis dosing glass

Here is an example of recipe from Rowenta (other should be available on a dedicated website) :

Rowenta Naturalis recipe

The challenge for SEB & Rowenta is now to make the formulation technology accessible to all. To achieve this, the preparation process of homemade skincare products is split in 5 steps :

  1. choose the mixing tool (if it is an emulsion or not)
  2. put the ingredients in the tank
  3. chose the program (cold or warm)
  4. add the remaining ingredient during preparation
  5. wait for 1.5 to 6.5 minutes

According to Rowenta, the formulas prepared with Naturalis would be 2 to 6 times less expensive than available products on the market.


Now, what to think about this new appliance ? It seems nice, but what about the ingredients ? Is there today a strong enough distribution network for cosmetic ingredients directly sold to consumer in a B to C way ? Moreover, a major concern would be the safety regarding the formulas prepared : what about their microbiological preservation, skin tolerance ?

This is a interesting initiative from SEB. Really trained consumers could be interested in this device. But those who already prepare homemade cosmetic products very well know that a mixer, spoons, pans and a thermometer are already enough…


By J.M.B.

One thought on “Rowenta Naturalis – the beauty appliance”
  1. Really interesting product. The biggest ‘minus’ is the price. Rowenta is asking 199 Euros for technology which should be less than half that price! Also, as the article states, astute persons can make this at home. I would definitely buy it at half the price.

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